File your federal taxes for free!

Posted by Data Babble | 8:08 AM | | 3 comments »

It's amazing how many people I encounter who don't know that you can prepare and file your U.S. federal taxes for free if:

  • You made less than $54,000 in 2007
  • You are under 50 years old (for some filing services)
Here's the site to start the process:,,id=118986,00.html

You can choose from several companies to use and many of them have different requirements. And, if your state taxes income, you'll need to purchase the state product in order to prepare and file electronically in your state.

Hopefully many of you will find this useful.


  1. lauren // February 1, 2008 at 9:04 AM  

    i've done it twice, but it could be done once a year probably.

  2. No paran quietas // February 1, 2008 at 11:09 AM  

    hello, the pictures have been taken in the beach of Verkala, in the south of india. We are spending our holidays here :)

  3. Jim ~ // February 1, 2008 at 12:50 PM  

    I used to qualify for stuff like this when the IRS did telefile, but that system is gone. I make too much money to get something for free, darn it!